Merry Browne said that “preconceptions are the locks on the door to wisdom”. The following article, found by Bernice and Brenda in different places during the same week (?!) clearly illustrates the ignorance prevailing in the world of domestic animals. Thanks to Bernice for doing the editing of the original which had some grammatical problems, and for providing the picture… (animalman)
I’m sorry you are frightened of my dogs and are trying to have them killed because they are pit bulls.
I’m sorry you lack the understanding of this breed’s true history, gentleness with people, wonderful temperament, intelligence and behavioural conformation.
I’m sorry you won’t read the *ATTS stats regarding our breed’s true temperament, in which they score over 83%. That’s 6% more than an average breed.
I’m sorry that you think it’s ok to assume an aggressive dog that resembles a pit bull is a pit bull. I’m sorry you won’t take Continue reading “Letter of Apology”